
Bálint Csökmei

Békéscsaba 1970
Mailing-address: H-6722, Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6
Phone and fax: (+36-62)-544-893



  • 2010 Delta Sales Consulting: Enterprise Collaboration (PL-2099) & Quality Services in the European Union (PL-2771)
  • 2004 Geography specialization, University of Szeged, Szeged
  • 1998 MSc Geographyc, Juhász Gyula Teacher Training College, Szeged
  • 1989 Water Management Specialization, Vásárhelyi Pál Technical School, Békéscsaba



  •  English


  • Hungarian Geological Society


  • Engineering geology
  • Data Management



Sümegi, P, Gulyás S, Csökmei B, Molnár,D, Hambach, U, Stevens, T, Markovic, S (in press): Climatic fluctuations for the Late Quaternary based on high-resolution preliminary environmental magnetic investigation from the loess profile of Madaras (Hungary). Central European Geology

Gulyás S, Sümegi P, Persaits G, Csökmei B : New paleoenvironmental data for the Middle and Late Pleistocene of the Carpathian Basin: preliminary results to the “longest” Danubian loess/paleosol sequence of modern Hungary: Udvari-2A poszter In: Australasian Quaternary Association Biennial Conference (2012) Programme and Abstacts. Conference,Christchurch, New Zealand

Gulyás S, Sümegi P, Persaits G, Csökmei B, Molnár D. :  Data for the Middle and Late Pleistocene of the Carpathian Basin: preliminary results to the “longest” Danubian loess/paleosol sequence of modern Hungary: Udvari-2A, 4th Croatian-Hungarian and 15th Hungarian Convent of Geomathematicians, Conference, Opatija, Croatia (2012)  poster presentation

Gulyás S, Sümegi P, Persaits G, Csökmei B, Molnár D. : New data for the Middle and Late Pleistocene of the “longest” Danubian loess/paleosol sequence of modern Hungary: Udvari-2A, 36. DEUQUA Bayreuth, Deutschland, (2012) poster  presentation

Sümegi P, Gulyás S, Csökmei B, Molnár D.: Revisiting the Upper Paleolithic site Szeged Öthalom: plans for a geoheritage park.DEUQUA Bayreuth, Deutschland, (2012) poster presentation

Gulyás S, Sümegi P, Persaits G, Csökmei B, Molnár D.  The first high-resolution multiproxy paleoenvironmental record of the past 800 kys from SW Hungary: A comparison with coeval loess/paleosol archives of Vojvodina. Loess and China in Europe, International Conference on Loess Research Tribute to Edward Derbyshire. Novi Sad, Serbia, (2012)  oral presentation

Sümegi Pál, Jakab Gusztáv, Persaits Gergő, Törőcsik Tünde, Csökmei Bálint, Náfrádi Katalin (2006): A kaszói Baláta-tó középkor végi és újkori fejlődéstörténete történeti ökológiai, környezettörténeti vizsgálatok alapján. [Evolution of lake Baláta in Kaszó at the end of the Middle ages and in modern times] In: Kázmér, M. (Ed.), Environmental History Conference - abstract, Hantken, Budapest, pp. 46-47.

Pál Sümegi, Júlia Hupuczi, László Hum, János Geiger, Tünde Lócskai, Bálint Csökmei, Béla Molnár, Endre Krolopp (2006): Katymár loess profile revisted. Danube Loess Symposium - Novi Sad

Júlia Hupuczi, László Hum, János Geiger, Tünde Lócskai, Bálint Csökmei, Béla Molnár, Endre Krolopp, Pál Sümegi (2006): Madaras loess profile revisited. New and old results. Danube Loess Symposium - Novi Sad

Persaits, G. - Hunyadfalvi, Z. - Csökmei, B. - Sümegi, P. (2006): A loess covered lag surface in the Tisza valley: Polgár island. (Danubius Pannonico Mysiscus – Space of challenges, Novi Sad /Újvidék

Sümegi, P. - Persaits, G. - Csökmei, B. (2005): Origin of the Loess covered alluvial island of Polgár and it effect on settling human cultures. In: Hum, L. - Gulyás, S. - Sümegi, P.: Enviromental Historical Studies from the Late Tertiary and Quaternary of Hungary, Department of Geology and Paleontoliolgy, University of Szeged, 141-163. (ISBN 963 482 744 6)